Athletic Mouth Guards

If you are an athlete, then a custom mouth guard is sound investment – especially considering the average cost of dental treatment over a lifetime for one tooth lost is many thousands of dollars.

One-size-fits-all mouth guards do not offer adequate protection or reinforcement against tooth breakage, tissue damage or concussion.

Some athletes go without protection because their experience has been that they negatively impact breathing, speech and are uncomfortable.  A custom fit mouth guard protects the teeth, the lips, cheeks & tongue and promotes oxygenation & elocution.  It will adapt itself to the normal movements of the mouth and will be much more comfortable than anything that can be found off the self.

An impression of your mouth is taken to fabricate the mouth guard and as a result of proper bite registration, a custom mouth guard has an excellent fit, perfectly suited for shock absorption.

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When do I wear a mouth guard?

Wear a mouth guard whenever you are involved in an activity with the risk of falls or head contact with other players or equipment.  This includes football, hockey, basketball, baseball, cricket, soccer, skateboarding or gymnastics.

How do I care for my mouth guard?

Mouth guards should be stored in a container when not in use to avoid damage due to excessive temperature.  Wash and rinse your mouth guard after each use a directed which may include a denture cleaner. To freshen the mouth guard it may be rinsed in mouthwash prior to insertion.

How often should I get a new mouth guard?

It is recommended that standard mouth guards be replaced every two to three years.